How the tests were done.....



Matlab provides its own routine for benchmarking, called "bench".

Matlab 6.x

the syntax is >> bench (n), where n is the number of times benchmarking will be repeated. If the result is placed in an array i.e. T=bench(5), then T will store the results from all 5 repetitions.

Matlab 5.x

the syntax is >> bench, there is no argument to "bench" in matlab 5.x for automatically repeating the process. So you have to put it inside a loop:

>>for I=1:5
    T(I,:) = bench;

For both Matlab 5.x and 6.x, to keep the results you need to save the contents of the array (T) containing the test data:

>>save testdata.txt T -ASCII (writes the contents of T to an ASCII file called "testdata.txt")

The results displayed are the times taken to complete each of the steps during benchmarking, which are a collection of mathematical processes and 2/3D graph plotting and manipulation. Between matlab versions 5.x and 6.x an additional benchmarking step was added, thus results are presented seperately.

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